Leadership Development

Leadership header with snapshots of students and Sammy the Spartan

Out-of-the-classroom experience is a vital part of student development. Research indicates that participation in these activities supports the retention and graduation rates of the students involved.

Involvement outside of the classroom can take many forms, and gaining leadership experience is possible in many ways. In Student Involvement, we believe that leadership isn't always about holding a position or title or being in the upper level of a group. If you’re looking to build your leadership experience and practice leadership, we can 帮助.


Want to know 更多的 about our fall offerings? Attend 一个 of our three information sessions on September 3, 4, and 5 starting at 5pm in Student Union Meeting Room 2A to learn 更多的!

New in Fall 2024: Student Involvement Leadership Book Club

For our inaugural book, we will be reading "Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know" by organizational psychologist and Wharton professor, Adam Grant. The Leadership Book Club will meet no 更多的 than 4 times throughout the semester to engage in critical conversation and the office of Student Involvement has 20 copies of the book to distribute FREE to currently enrolled students who will be actively participating in meetings. The interest form is now live and will close to applicants who want a free book September 6 but we will continue to accept students into the group on a rolling basis! 

book club 摩天观景轮